Sunday, March 13, 2005

Supreme Court of Canada refuses to hear dump appeals

Supreme Court of Canada refuses to hear dump appeals
Canadian Environmental Law Association

The Supreme Court of Canada announced today that it would not hear appeals brought by the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte and concerned Tyendinaga Township residents.

The intended appeals challenged the legality of the environmental assessment process being used in relation to the proposed mega-expansion of the Richmond Landfill near Napanee.

In accordance with its usual practice, the Supreme Court of Canada did not provide any reasons for its refusal to hear the appeals.

"My clients are disappointed that the Supreme Court of Canada was unwilling to hear their appeal," stated Richard Lindgren, an environmental lawyer who represents Township residents. "However, I will be reviewing with my clients other legal options that may be available to challenge the proposed landfill expansion."

"In my opinion, the landfill expansion is unsound, unnecessary and unwanted by local residents and area municipalities," stated Stephen Geneja, spokesperson for the concerned residents. "The local citizens remain firmly opposed to the proposed expansion, and we will do everything in our power to stop it."

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