Thursday, February 17, 2005

As Senate Holds Hearing on Nuclear Arms Today, North Korea and Iran Are Casting Big Shadows

As Senate Holds Hearing on Nuclear Arms Today, North Korea and Iran Are Casting Big Shadows
Institute For Public Accuracy

"It is difficult if not impossible for an outsider to assess North Korea's nuclear capabilities or fully understand its motivations and intentions with respect to its nuclear weapons program. But it's not difficult to see how North Korea might feel increasingly threatened by the United States. Pyongyang's latest pronouncement comes after the U.S. has labeled North Korea part of the 'axis of evil,' identified North Korea as a potential nuclear target in its most recent Nuclear Posture Review, invaded and occupied Iraq, purportedly to eliminate 'weapons of mass destruction,' made repeated military threats against both Iran and North Korea, and blatantly disregarded its own disarmament obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty."

- Jacqueline Cabasso, Executive director of the Western States Legal Foundation

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